Series 6 washing machine, front loader 9 kg 1400 rpmWGA244A0TH
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Series 6 washing machine, front loader 9 kg 1400 rpmWGA244A0TH
THB 32,900.00
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Technical Overview
Noise level washing
55 dB(A) re 1pW
Home Connect
Capacity cotton - NEW (2010/30/EC)
9.0 kg
Maximum spin speed
1400 rpm
Eco silence drive
Special Features
automatically measures the precise amount of detergent and water needed.
removes up to 16 kinds of stubborn stains without pre-treatment.
Everything is automatically adjusted to the needs of your laundry depending on fabric type and the degree of soiling.
EcoSilence Drive™ friction-free motor minimises heat and wear for long-lasting performance, quiet operation and perfect wash results.
specially developed for the needs of allergy sufferers and sensitive skin.
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Series 6 washing machine, front loader 9 kg 1400 rpmWGA244A0TH
THB 32,900.00
Recommended retail price
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