Everyone’s excited to own their first home — until they have to maintain it. Running a household is truly no small task. Before you get overwhelmed, stay calm and remember to avoid these common mistakes:

Overcooking your meat.

Overcooking your meat.

Timing is everything in cooking. When meat is overcooked, it ends up with a dry texture and is less nutritious.

To prevent this, brine the meat before cooking. After popping it into your Bosch oven, simply use the PerfectRoast function to ensure excellent roasting results. Don’t forget to factor in resting time, where the meat continues cooking after you take it out.

If you have leftover meat, just blend it with your Bosch handblender together with some olive oil and turn it into a puree! You can then put it to good use as a delicious filling for dumplings or pasta.

Crowding your refrigerator.

Crowding your refrigerator.

Trying to maximise the space in your refrigerator and fill it with food is an extremely common mistake: more than 2 billion tons of food is wasted all around the world1. But not only does it waste food and money, it also wastes energy. When your refrigerator stores more food than it can handle, it blocks the vents and forces the motor and condenser to work harder, eventually causing your appliances to break down.

If you do need to buy a large amount of groceries, opt for a refrigerator that can handle the load. A great option is the Side by side refrigerator. Its massive capacity with multiple drawers give you flexible storage and allow for easy compartmentalisation!

Using too much detergent.

Using too much detergent.

If you’re a laundry newbie, it seems logical that more detergent gives you cleaner clothes. But did you know that there’s such a thing as too much detergent? The result: stained clothes and damage to your washing machine’s pump and motor, because of the extra suds.

We often rely on the recommended amounts stated on detergent packaging to know how much to use, without realising it doesn’t take into account important factors such as hardness of water, load capacity and type of washing machine. Keep it simple with a Bosch washing machine. Its i-DOS automatic dosing system determines the precise amount of liquid detergent you need by detecting the load weight, fabric type and degree of soiling to achieve perfectly clean laundry for you and your loved ones.

Leaving vacuum cleaner dust bags full

Leaving vacuum cleaner dust bags full.

Most people wait till their dust bags are full before changing them, not knowing that this actually affects vacuum performance. This is because air passes through the tiny holes in the bag, carrying dirt with it and blocking these holes.

An easy fix is to regularly change the bag before it’s two-thirds full. But for greater convenience, make the switch to a cordless vacuum cleaner you can trust. With the Unlimited, maintenance is an easy 2-step process: first, release the Easy Clean dustbox and filter, and tap them against the rim of your bin. Then, simply tip it over and you’re good to go!

Cleaning your house but not your appliances.

Cleaning your house but not your appliances.

For most of us, “household chores” bring to mind sweeping floors and dusting cabinets. But maintaining a home involves taking care of the appliances in it too.

One of the most overlooked ones during a house clean is the washing machine. With time and use, it can wear down faster if no proper maintenance is done. With our washing machine cleaner, you can ensure yours has a cleaner, more hygienic interior for better washing results. It also removes deposits built up from substances such as detergent, and keeps unpleasant odours at bay.

Plus, with a few of our cleaning and care products, you can extend the life span of your other Bosch appliances and get the most out of them!

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