Select your product

In our support sections, we provide you with expert advice on troubleshooting and maintenance for your Bosch home appliance in Thailand: easy to understand and easy to follow, and with the level of detail of your choice.

Below you'll find a list of the different product categories of Bosch home appliances in Thailand. This is to help you to easily find the right manual-downloads, easy fixes, cleaning and care advice and many more concise support options for your specific Bosch appliance.

Simply choose the appropriate product category below to find out about maintenance, cleaning and repairs for your Bosch home appliance.

Repairs from Bosch experts.

Bosch engineers in Thailand are not only here to provide expert repairs – but also expert knowledge. Find out everything about the many ways Bosch can support you in handling technical issues.

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Questions or suggestions? Do let us know!

Whether you need expert advice for your Bosch home appliances in Thailand, need help with problems or simply want to give us feedback on our products and services – we're here for you 24/7.


Contact Bosch

Register for MyBosch

Unlock the full potential of owning a Bosch home appliance with MyBosch. Your registration with MyBosch comes with a whole range of offers committed to make your Bosch experience even better, such as exclusive offers and infotainment.

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Spare Parts and accessories

Discover our range of genuine Bosch spare parts, accessories and cleaning and care products for your Bosch home appliance: vacuum bags, descalers, oven bulbs, water filters, cookware and much more.

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Get our promotion bundle of vacuum bags or coffee cleaner and descaler at special price.

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Newsletter subscription

Subscribe now – quickly and easily – for our free newsletter. You'll receive valuable tips for your home appliances, news on the latest offers and exclusive promotions only for newsletter subscribers.

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Our Service

We are here to help, before and after your purchase.

Phone: 02-495-2424

Monday to Sunday: 8am to 6pm (including public holidays)

Help is on the way: arrange a Bosch technician visit.

If you experience any problems with your home appliance, you can arrange a visit from a Bosch service technician.

Phone: 02-495-2424

Instruction Manual

Download our manuals to help you get a quick start to operate your appliance.

Locate the rating plate

Identify your appliance to find your E-Nr (model) and FD (producion) number. You need these for product registration and booking your repair service.